MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (2024)

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (1) The Battle Mage (also known as BaM) is a member of the Resistance that condenses magical power and uses it for strength and protection. Unlike other Magician classes, the Battle Mage specializes in fast, close-range combat that overpowers foes. The Battle Mage uses staffs to decimate multiple enemies with flashy attack spells and casts auras to aid the party a character is in. The Battle Mage is unique amongst Magicians as it is primarily a melee combat character. Using his staff to beat back the Black Wings, the Battle Mage will be the first into danger, placing himself between his teammates and the forces of darkness. He also has Aura abilities, which allow him to buff himself and his friends in combat.

Battle Mage Overview

CLASS: Resistance
PRIMARY WEAPON: Staff (1-handed weapon)
SECONDARY WEAPON: Shield, Magic Marble
PRIMARY STAT: Intelligence (INT)
LINK SKILL: Spirit of Freedom – Invincible for 3/6 sec upon revive.
MAPLE UNION EFFECT: INT +10/20/40/80/100
BEST INNER ABILITY: Attack Speed +1, Magic Attack +30
JOB SKILLS: I: Battle MageII: Battle MageIII: Battle MageIV: Battle MageHyper SkillsV: Battle Mage

Battle Mage Pros and Cons


  • *Share your pros on this job!*
  • Hp is the highest among the other class except warrior type.
  • High Weapon and Magic Defense upon maxing Adv. Blue Aura.
  • High avoid rate (40%) after maxing Adv. Yellow Aura (passive + active).
  • Low HP potion usage due to drain + High avoid rate + high def + many invincible skilll.
  • Low MP potion usage due to high base mp and without magic guard.
  • Most versatile teleporting. You can jump and teleport in mid air and also teleport to places with no platform, allowing you to spam teleport damage or move much higher vertically.
  • Has 100% stance
  • Most balanced job in terms of survivability, damage, utility. Jack of all Trades


  • *Share your cons on this job!*
  • The only class does not have a mount.
  • Easy get bored, use blow skill from level 10 to 200.
  • Attack speed is dependent on weapon speed, most weapon has slow speed!
  • Some micromanagement is needed to unlock the full potential in terms of DPS (Damage Per Second)
  • Lack of Final Damage and range does not scale well in late game

Battle Mage Beginner Skills

Please refer to Resistance Citizen Skill Build Guide for more details as it is shared among Battle Mage, Blaster, Mechanic and Wild Hunter.

Battle Mage 1st Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (2) Triple Blow (Active)
Quickly attacks multiple enemies 3 times.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 132%, Max Attacks: 3, Max Monsters Hit: 5
Level 20: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 170%, Max Attacks: 3, Max Monsters Hit: 5

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (3) Condemnation | Summon: Death (Toggle On/Off)
Make a pact with a dark spirit using a black magic book. The dark spirit follows you around and when you collect a certain amount of souls, they will reveal themselves to deal a wide-range attack. Its attack will ignore attack reflection and has Attack Power proportional to its level. Can be toggled On/Off.
Level 1: After taking out 10 enemies, deals damage to 7 enemies at the next attack. Damage: 185 + 1% per your level, Number of Attacks: 7. Your level affects only up to Lv. 180. If you attack a boss 2 times, it will count as taking out 1 enemy. Once activated, it won’t activate again until after 9 sec.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (4) Hasty Aura | Yellow Aura (Supportive)
Creates a bright yellow aura that increases the Movement Speed and Attack Speed of your party members. Cancel the aura by pressing the skill key again. Will be canceled if you use another type of aura. Also, permanently increases your Speed, Max Speed, Jump, Attack Speed, and Avoidability.
Level 1: MP Cost per sec: 5, Speed: +1, Attack Speed +1 level. Cooldown: 3 sec. Passive Effect: Speed: 20, Max Speed: 1, Jump: 1, Attack Speed +2 levels, Avoidability: +6%
Level 20: MP Cost per sec: 8, Speed: +10, Attack Speed +1 level. Cooldown: 3 sec. Passive Effect: Speed: 30, Max Speed: 20, Jump: 20, Attack Speed +2 levels, Avoidability: +15%

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (5) Combat Teleport | Teleport ver. 2 (Active)
An improved teleport, to allow better use in close-range combat. Allows you to teleport a set distance to other locations on the same map using the arrow keys. Can be used while jumping and on rope/ladder.
Level 1: MP Cost: 44, Horizontal range: 178, Vertical range: 258
Level 5: MP Cost: 20, Horizontal range: 210, Vertical range: 290

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (6) Staff Artist | Art of Staff (Passive)
Years of study with a Staff have made you an exceedingly dangerous opponent.
Level 1: Magic Attack Power: +1, Critical Rate: +6%, Defense: +55
Level 20: Magic Attack Power: +20, Critical Rate: +15%, Defense: +150

Battle Mage 1st Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
0. Condemnation (auto-maxed)
1. Triple Blow, Hasty Aura, Combat Teleport, Staff Artist (1)
2. Combat Teleport (MAX)
3. Hasty Aura (MAX)
4. Staff Artist (MAX)
5. Triple Blow (MAX)

Battle Mage 1st Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
0. Summon: Death (auto-maxed)
1. Triple Blow, Yellow Aura, Teleport ver. 2, Art of Staff (1)
2. Teleport Ver. 2 (MAX)
3. Yellow Aura (MAX)
4. Art of Staff (MAX)
5. Triple Blow (MAX)

Battle Mage 1st Job primary attacking skill will be Triple Blow. Add 1 SP into Triple Blow, Hasty Aura, Combat Teleport and Staff Artist to gain their level 1 benefits. Max Combat Teleport and Yellow Aura first to traverse maps and reach your target quickly. Next, max Staff Artist to boost your damage and finally Triple Blow. Having Triple Blow maxed last is to reduce the MP cost that might be costly for unfunded players.

Battle Mage 2nd Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (7) Quad Blow (Active)
Required Skill: Triple Blow (10)
Quickly attacks multiple enemies 4 times in a row.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 182%, Max Attacks: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 5
Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 220%, Max Attacks: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 5

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (8) Dark Chain (Active)
Black chains extend from a magic circle, pulling enemies towards you while damaging them and stunning them for a certain period of time. Attack delay is 840ms.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 410%, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Knock Down Duration: 4 sec
Level 20: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 600%, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Knock Down Duration: 8 sec

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (9) Grim Contract I | Death Contract I (Passive)
Enhances your pact with the dark spirit. Max Level 1.
Level 1: After taking out 8 enemies, deals damage to 8 enemies on your next attack. Damage: 190 + 1% per your level, Number of Attacks: 8. Your level affects only up to Lv. 180. Once activated, it won’t activate again until after 8 sec.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (10) Draining Aura | Drain Aura (Supportive)
Releases a red aura from your body to return damage dealt to enemies by your party members back to their HP. You cannot recover more than 10% of each character’s Max HP at once, but all party members within the aura range will be affected by the HP recovery. Use it once more or another aura to deactivate. Also grants a permanent skill to use enemy’s soul to recover some of your Max HP.
Level 1: MP Cost per sec: 22, 5% of damage dealt by party member recovers to your HP.
Cooldown: 3 sec. Passive Effect: HP recovery every 4 sec: 240, Max HP recovery every time you eliminate an enemy: 3%
Level 20: MP Cost per sec: 28, 10% of damage dealt by party member recovers to your HP.
Cooldown: 3 sec. Passive Effect: HP recovery every 4 sec: 1000, Max HP recovery every time you eliminate an enemy: 3%

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (11) Staff Boost (Supportive)
Raises your attack speed by 2 stages for a certain period of time.
Level 1: MP Cost: 94, Duration: 20 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 200 sec

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (12) Staff Mastery (Passive)
Increases Mastery, Magic ATT, and Critical Rate on Staff weapons.
Level 1: Staff Mastery: +14%, Magic ATT: +3, Critical Hit Rate: +2%
Level 10: Staff Mastery: +50%, Magic ATT: +30, Critical Hit Rate: +20%

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (13) Ordinary Conversion | Battle Fortitude (Passive)
Dramatically increase your maximum HP.
Level 1: 15% maximum HP.
Level 10: 150% maximum HP.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (14) High Wisdom (Passive)
Permanently increase your INT.
Level 1: 8 INT.
Level 5: 40 INT.

Battle Mage 2nd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed except Quad Blow.
0. Grim Contract I (auto-maxed).
1. Quad Blow, Dark Chain, Draining Aura, Staff Mastery (1)
2. Staff Mastery (5)
3. Staff Boost (6)
4. Staff Mastery (MAX)
5. High Wisdom (MAX)
6. Staff Boost (MAX)
7. Quad Blow (19/20)
8. Ordinary Conversion (MAX)
9. Draining Aura (MAX)
10. Dark Chain (MAX)

Battle Mage 2nd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed except Quad Blow.
0. Death Contract I (auto-maxed)
1. Quad Blow, Dark Chain, Drain Aura, Staff Mastery (1)
2. Staff Mastery (5)
3. Staff Boost (6)
4. Staff Mastery (MAX)
5. High Wisdom (MAX)
6. Staff Boost (MAX)
7. Quad Blow (19/20)
8. Battle Fortitude (MAX)
9. Drain Aura (MAX)
10. Dark Chain (MAX)

Battle Mage 3rd Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (15) Quintuple Blow (Active)
Required Skill: Quad Blow (10)
Quickly attacks multiple enemies 5 times in a row.
Level 1: MP Cost: 33, Damage: 197%, Number of Attacks: 5, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Level 20: MP Cost: 42, Damage: 235%, Number of Attacks: 5, Max Enemies Hit: 6

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (16) Battle Burst (Active)
Charges through enemies. Can be linked with Finishing Blow afterwards. Permanently increases Dark Chain’s damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 615%. Passive Effect: Dark Chain’s Damage: +31%
Level 20: MP Cost: 25, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 900%. Passive Effect: Dark Chain’s Damage: +50%

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (17) Grim Contract II | Death Contract II (Passive)
Further enhances your pact with the dark spirit. Max Level 1.
Level 1: After taking out 6 enemies, deals damage to 8 enemies on your next attack. Damage: 195 + 1% per your level, Number of Attacks: 10. Your level affects only up to Lv. 180. Once activated, it won’t activate again until after 6 sec.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (18) Blue Aura (Supportive)
Releases a blue aura from your body to increase nearby party members’ Resistance to Abnormal Statuses and damage absorption. Use it once more or another kind of aura to remove your current aura. Also permanently increases your Abnormal Status Resistance, all Elemental Resistance, Defense, and Damage Absorption.
Level 1: MP Cost per sec: 8, Abnormal Status Resistance: +10%, Damage Absorption: +5%.
Cooldown: 3 sec. Passive Effect: Abnormal Status resistance: 11%, All Elemental Resistance: 11%, Weapon DEF: +93%, Damage Absorption: +6%
Level 20: MP Cost per sec: 12, Abnormal Status Resistance: +20%, Damage Absorption: +15%. Cooldown: 3 sec. Passive Effect: Abnormal Status resistance: 30%, All Elemental Resistance: 30%, Weapon DEF: +150%, Damage Absorption: +25%

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (19) Dark Shock (Toggle On/Off)
Required skill: Combat Teleport (MAX)
Use Teleport to attack with black lightning between your start and end location, marking hit enemies with a Darkness Emblem. Learn Dark Shock to get Darkness Emblem on Dark Chain and Battle Burst too, and the emblems on those skills will not be used up. Can be toggled On/Off.
Level 1: Extra MP Cost upon using Teleport: 15, Max Number of Hit Enemies between start and end point of teleporting: 8, Damage: 149%, Number of Attacks: 4. Duration of Darkness Emblem on enemy: 5 sec. When attacking enemies with the Darkness Emblem, consumes emblems to deal 274% damage and 4 number of times. Emblem-consuming attacks have 20% bonus damage when attacking a boss.
Level 20: Extra MP Cost upon using Teleport: 15, Max Number of Hit Enemies between start and end point of teleporting: 8, Damage: 225%, Number of Attacks: 4. Duration of Darkness Emblem on enemy: 5 sec. When attacking enemies with the Darkness Emblem, consumes emblems to deal 350% damage and 4 number of times. Emblem-consuming attacks have 20% bonus damage when attacking a boss.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (20) Power Stance | Stance (Passive)
Concentrates to hold your ground when struck, resisting knock-back effects.
Level 1: Does not get knocked back at a chance of 10%.
Level 10: Does not get knocked back at a chance of 100%.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (21) Dark Conditioning | Reflex Enhancement (Passive)
Use Resistance skills and dark magic to strengthen your reaction speed.
Level 1: Avoidability: 11%, Speed: 2, Max Speed: 5
Level 15: Avoidability: 25%, Speed: 30, Max Speed: 10

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (22) Battle Mastery (Passive)
Permanently increase your damage and minimum critical damage.
Level 1: Damage: 1%, Critical Damage: +1%
Level 20: Damage: 20%, Critical Damage: +20%

Battle Mage 3rd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed except Quintuple Blow.
0. Grim Contract II (auto-maxed)
1. Quintuple Blow, Battle Burst, Dark Shock, Blue Aura (1)
2. Battle Mastery (MAX)
3. Quintuple Blow (19/20)
4. Dark Shock (MAX)
5. Dark Conditioning (MAX)
6. Blue Aura (MAX)
7. Power Stance (MAX)
8. Battle Burst (MAX)

Battle Mage 3rd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed except Quintuple Blow.
0. Death Contract II (auto-maxed)
1. Quintuple Blow, Battle Burst, Dark Shock, Blue Aura (1)
2. Battle Mastery (MAX)
3. Quintuple Blow (19/20)
4. Dark Shock (MAX)
5. Reflex Enhancement (MAX)
6. Stance (MAX)
7. Battle Burst (MAX)
8. Blue Aura (MAX)

Battle Mage 4th Job Skills

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (23) Finishing Blow
Required Skill: Quintuple Blow (10)
Quickly deals 6 attacks on multiple enemies with a chance to stun.
Level 1: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 243%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6, Critical Rate: +11%, Bonus Ignore DEF: 2%
Level 30: MP Cost: 60, Damage: 330%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6, Critical Rate: +25%, Bonus Ignore DEF: 20%

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (24) Dark Genesis (Active)
Uses deadly lightning to hit and temporarily stun a maximum of 15 enemies. Dark Genesis ignores attack reflection. Learning Dark Genesis skill will permanently increase damage on Dark Chain, Battle Burst, and Dark Shock, and attacking an enemy during cooldown will deal damage with a lightning attack to a single enemy.
Level 1: Active Effect: MP Cost: 200, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 230%, Number of Attacks: 8, Stun Duration: 2 sec. Cooldown: 30 sec. Attacking during cooldown will strike a lightning to a single enemy at a chance of 2%, with damage of 104%. Passive Effect: +31% damage on Dark Chain, Battle Burst, and Dark Shock.
Level 30: Active Effect: MP Cost: 200, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 520%, Number of Attacks: 8, Stun Duration: 4 sec. Cooldown: 30 sec. Attacking during cooldown will strike a lightning to a single enemy at a chance of 60%, with damage of 220%. Passive Effect: +60% damage on Dark Chain, Battle Burst, and Dark Shock.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (25) Grim Contract III (Passive)
Further enhances your pact with the dark spirit. Max Level 1.
Level 1: After taking out 6 enemies, deals damage to 10 enemies on your next attack. Damage: 200% + 1% per your level, Number of Attacks: 12. Your level affects only up to Lv. 180. Once activated, it won’t activate again until after 5 sec.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (26) Dark Aura (Supportive)
Produces a mysterious aura that increases the damage done by your party members. Cancel the aura by pressing the skill key again or using another aura. Permanently increases your Magic Attack Power.
Level 1: MP Cost per sec: 10, Damage: +1%. Cooldown: 3 sec. Passive Effect: Magic ATT +5%
Level 20: MP Cost per sec: 16, Damage: +20%. Cooldown: 3 sec. Passive Effect: Magic ATT +15%

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (27) Weakening Aura (Supportive)
Releases an ominous aura from your body to reduce your enemies’ Defense. Use it once more or another aura to remove your current aura. Weakening Aura has some delay before actually applying, but they will continue to work even the aura deactivates.
Level 1: MP Cost per sec: 14, Enemy DEF: -1%. Requires 2 sec to apply but will be in effect 10 sec after aura deactivation. Cooldown: 3 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost per sec: 26, Enemy DEF: -20%. Requires 2 sec to apply but will be in effect 10 sec after aura deactivation. Cooldown: 3 sec.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (28) Battle Rage (Toggle On/Off)
Focus on a single enemy for a short time, significantly increasing damage against them. Also permanently increases your Max HP and MP, and allows you to cut through a portion of monster DEF. Enemy attacks will not cancel the buff.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Damage: +11%, Critical Rate: +11%, Min Critical Damage: +1%, Max Enemies Hit by Any Skill: 1 aside from the Death skill. Passive Effects: Max HP +1%, Max MP +1%.
Level 30: MP Cost: 50, Damage: +40%, Critical Rate: +20%, Min Critical Damage: +15%, Max Enemies Hit by Any Skill: 1 aside from the Death skill. Passive Effects: Max HP +30%, Max MP +30%.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (29) Party Shield (Supportive)
Creates a magical protective shield around you to protect party members. The shield protects you from enemy attacks and decreases the damage when hit with an attack that deals fixed damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 110, Duration 10 sec, -1% damage when hit with fixed damage attack.
Cooldown: 412 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 150, Duration 40 sec, -10% damage when hit with fixed damage attack.
Cooldown: 180 sec.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (30) Maple Warrior (Supportive)
Increases the stats of all party members. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (31) Hero’s Will (Active)
By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec.
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (32) Staff Expert (Passive)
Required Skill: Staff Mastery (MAX)
Increase your mastery over the staff, magic attack, and minimum and maximum critical damage.
Level 1: Staff Mastery: +56%. Magic ATT: +1, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%
Level 30: Staff Mastery: +70%. Magic ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (33) Spell Boost (Passive)
Uses a special tool to boost your magic skills.
Level 1: Magic ATT: +6%, Damage: +1%, Ignore Enemy DEF: +1%
Level 30: Magic ATT: +20%, Damage: +10%, Ignore Enemy DEF: +30%

Battle Mage 4th Job Skill Build (255 SP): Everything maxed.
0. Grim Contract III (auto-maxed)
1. Finishing Blow, Dark Genesis, Dark Aura, Staff Expert (1)
2. Battle Rage, Party Shield, Spell Boost (1)
3. Staff Expert (MAX)
4. Spell Boost (MAX)
5. Finishing Blow (MAX)
6. Dark Aura (MAX)
7. Dark Genesis (MAX)
8. Maple Warrior (MAX)
9. Battle Rage (MAX)
10. Party Shield (MAX)
11. Weakening Aura (MAX)
12. Hero’s Will (MAX)

Battle Mage Hyper Skills

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (34) Dark Genesis – Cooldown Cutter
Required Level: 143
Dark Genesis’ cooldown is decreased by 40%.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (35) Dark Genesis – Reinforce
Required level: 162
Dark Genesis’ damage is increased by 20%.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (36) Dark Genesis – Additional Reinforce
Required Level: 183
Dark Genesis’ extra lightning attack’s damage while on cooldown is increased by 20%.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (37) Dark Aura – Boss Rush
Required Level: 149
Dark Aura gains the effect of increasing boss damage by 10%.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (38) Weakening Aura – Elemental Reset
Required Level: 168
Debuff Aura gains the effect of decreasing enemies’ elemental resistance by 10%.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (39) Blue Aura – Dispel Magic
Required Level: 189
Blue Aura gains the effect of healing party members’ status effects every 5 seconds.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (40) Party Shield – Cooldown Cutter
Required Level: 155
Shelter’s cooldown is decreased by 20%.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (41) Party Shield – Persist
Required Level: 177
Shelter’s duration is increased by 20 seconds.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (42) Party Shield – Enhance
Required Level: 195
Shelter’s damage reduction for % damage attacks is increased by 10%.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (43) Battle Master (Supportive)
Required Level: 150
Strengthen your combat ability and enhance your contract with the Reaper.
Level 1: For 40 seconds, all Blow skills’ attack counts are increased by 2 and Reaper’s soul requirement is decreased by 3. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (44) Sweeping Staff (Active)
Required Level: 170
Summons a magic staff to sweep out the bad guys.
Level 1: MP Cost: 80, Damage: 650%, Number of Attacks: 7, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Cooldown: 9.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (45) For Liberty (Supportive)
Required Level: 200
Materializes the will of the Resistance to increase attack power.
Level 1: 10% damage and +5,000,000 damage cap for all Resistance party members for 60 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds.

Battle Mage Hyper Skill Build Guide:
1. Dark Genesis – Additional Reinforce (MAX)
2. Dark Aura – Boss Rush (MAX)
3. Party Shield – Enhance (MAX)
4. Party Shield – Cooldown Cutter (MAX)
5. Party Shield – Persist (MAX)
6. Battle Master (MAX)
7. Sweeping Staff (MAX)
8. For Liberty (MAX)

Check this Hyper Stats Guide for more details! Dark Genesis – Cooldown Cutter is not maxed because you will want a longer cooldown period to take advantage of Dark Genesis – Additional Reinforce where it boost your lightning attack (similar to Final Attack), therefore giving you more DPS (Damage Per Second). Dark Genesis – Reinforce is not maxed as will not be spamming them often to make full use of the extra damage. Dark Aura – Boss Rush is maxed to allow yourself to deal extra damage when solo against a Boss monster. If you are more of a party-lover OR aren’t focus on damage, you might want to swap this with Blue Aura – Dispel Magic as it removes negative effects from all party members including self every 5 sec. Party Shield – Enhance is maxed to remove the -10% damage reduction on your skills when you are under the Party Shield effect. Party Shield – Cooldown Cutter basically reduces the cooldown duration approximately half, Party Shield – Persist increases the duration of the Party Shield effects.

Battle Mage 5th Job Skills

Please refer to MapleStory 5th Job Skills Guide for more details on Skill Cores, Special Cores and Enhancement Cores!

Battle Mage Skill Cores

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (46) Aura Scythe | Union Aura
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Combine all of your auras and become a grim specter of death.
Level 1: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 31 sec, gain the effect of all your auras
The Aura Scythe enhances your Blow skills – MP Cost: 75, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 250%, Number of Attacks: 12. Critical Rate: +50%, Enemy DEF Ignored: +50%. Can be toggled. Cooldown: 150 sec.
Level 25: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 55 sec, gain the effect of all your auras. The Aura Scythe enhances your Blow skills – MP Cost: 75, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 250%, Number of Attacks: 12. Critical Rate: +50%, Enemy DEF Ignored: +50%. Can be toggled. Cooldown: 150 sec.

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (47) Altar of Annihilation | Black Magic Altar
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Places a black magic altar. Place two or more altars to activate its curse. Curse starts from the altar that was placed first and transfers to the next ones in order. The curse attacks all enemies it touches 1 time, but it does not attack the same target until it reaches the next altar. The travel time between altar is fixed regardless of the distance. Additional altars can only be placed within a set range of the most recently placed altar. Enemies attacked by the curse are marked with Darkness Emblem. This skill is not affected by enemies in the Damage Reflection state.
Level 1: MP Cost: 500, Altar Duration: 40 sec, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 832%, Number of Attacks: 4. The orb takes 0.8 sec to move to the next altar. After 2 altars, the time to travel that distance is reduced by 15% for every additional altar. A new altar can be summoned every 25 sec, up to 4 altars. Enemies hit gain Dark Brand. Cooldown: 0.5 sec
Level 25: MP Cost: 500, Altar Duration: 40 sec, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 1600%, Number of Attacks: 4. The orb takes 0.8 sec to move to the next altar. After 2 altars, the time to travel that distance is reduced by 15% for every additional altar. A new altar can be summoned every 25 sec, up to 4 altars. Enemies hit gain Dark Brand. Cooldown: 0.5 sec

Grim Harvest
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Master the art of black magic and summon death itself to deal with your enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, summons the Grim Harvest that attacks for 30 sec every 4 sec. Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 832%, Number of Attacks: 12. The Grim Harvest will move near you if you move a certain distance away. If the Grim Harvest kills a monster, the duration is increased by 0.2 sec per enemy. Attacking a boss monster increases the duration by 2 sec. Cooldown: 120 sec

Battle Mage Enhancement Cores

Triple Blow Boost
Final Damage: +7% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Condemnation Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Quad Blow Boost
Final Damage: +5% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Dark Chain Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Quintuple Blow Boost
Final Damage: +3% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Battle Burst Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Dark Shock Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Finishing Blow Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Dark Genesis Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Sweeping Staff Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Battle Mage V-Matrix Skills Guide

Main V Skill: Union Aura
Trio #1: Finishing Blow / Dark Shock / Condemnation
Trio #2: Dark Genesis / Sweeping Staff / Battle Burst OR Dark Chain
Note: Bolded = essential skill | Non-bolded = non-essential skill.

MapleStory Unofficial to Official Skill Names (GMS | MSEA)

Battle Mage 5th Job Skills

  • Union Aura → Aura Scythe | Union Aura
  • Black Magic Altar → Altar of Annihilation | Black Magic Altar

Additional Information

Battle Mage Related Guides

MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide V1
MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide V2
MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide V3

Battle Mage Changelog


  1. GMS v.112 – Jett (2012-06-26)
  2. GMS v.123 – Tempest (2012-11-28)
  3. GMS v.132 – Hyper Evolution (2013-04-03)
  4. GMS v.137 – Unleashed (2013-06-19)
  5. GMS v.142 – Dawnveil Demons of Tynerum (2013-10-16)
  6. GMS v.148 – Grand Athenaeum (2014-03-26)
  7. GMS v.157 – Shining Star (2014-12-03)
  8. GMS v.160 – Black Heaven: First Chapter (2015-03-09)
  9. GMS v.166 – Asylum Updates (2015-10-07)
  10. GMS v.168 – Reboot Updates (2015-12-02)
  11. GMS v.172 – Maple’s Eleven (2016-04-21)
  12. GMS v.174 – Heroes of Maple: Reborn (2016-06-22)
  13. GMS v.179 – MapleStory V 5th Job (2016-12-15)
  14. GMS v.186 – Override Evolve (2017-06-21)
  15. GMS v.193 – MapleStory X Evangelion Patch Notes (2018-02-27)
  16. GMS v.200 – Black Mage: Gathering of Heroes (2018-11-14)
  17. GMS v.201 – Black Mage: Labyrinth (2018-12-12)


  1. MSEA v.158 – Accelerate Update Notes (2016-04-06)
  2. MSEA v.161 – Heroes of Maple (2016-09-06)
  3. MSEA V.167 – BEYOND (2017-05-17)
  4. MSEA v.170 – Zest and Zeal (2017-09-18)
  5. MSEA v.180 – Black Mage and Tenebris Expedition (2018-11-14)
MapleStory Battle Mage Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (2024)


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