Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/ UNCLASSIFIED 061500RMAY2007 1 OF 441 OF 7 UNCLASSIFIED Installations as Flagships Installations - [PPT Powerpoint] (2024)

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Installations as FlagshipsInstallations as Flagshipsof Readiness –of Readiness –

Force Protection UpdateForce Protection Update

Installations as FlagshipsInstallations as Flagshipsof Readiness –of Readiness –

Force Protection UpdateForce Protection Update

Mr. Clay DavisOperations Division,

Installation Management Command

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OPMG-RM Conference Update



I. FY07

II. FY08/FY09

III. FY10-15

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OPMG-RM Conference Update




(Law Enforcement) (Physical Security) (Antiterrorism) (Installation Protection)

FY06 $180M $395M $23M $15M $613M $198M $811M

FY07 $217M $359M $21M $22M $619M

$103M $270M $373M ($95M)


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OPMG-RM Conference Update



• Common Level of Support (CLS) Implementation• IMCOM CLS 1 to N List• IMBOD Approval• AMSCO = 11 positions i.e., 131075M0A22, SSP A for Service 22)



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OPMG-RM Conference Update



• IMCOM Guidance Provided

• Garrison window closed, GC have gained SMC approval

• ASCC/DRU Read Only, if requested

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OPMG-RM Conference Update



• Manpower Requirements

• Common Level of Support (CLS) Implementation

• CVAMP Oversight – ASCC/COCOM vs. IMCOM role

• Physical Security Equipment Funding

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Back-Up Slides

(Stand Alone CLS Briefing)

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Common Levels of Support (CLS)

April 2007

Mr. Clay DavisEmergency Services Branch

Headquarters, US Army Installation Management Command

8 OF 26

Our MissionOur Mission: Manage Army installations to support readiness and Manage Army installations to support readiness and mission execution – provide equitable services and facilities, optimize mission execution – provide equitable services and facilities, optimize resources, sustain the environment and enhance the well-being of the resources, sustain the environment and enhance the well-being of the Military communityMilitary community

Leading Change for Installation ExcellenceUNCLASSIFIED

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OPMG-RM Conference Update



I. Why CLS?

II. How CLS Works

III. Force Protection Services and Funding


IV. HQ IMCOM Functional POCs

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OPMG-RM Conference Update



• Standard Services

• Cost and Performance Management

• Transformation Re-Balance

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


IMCOM’S Significant Challenge: The Funding Gap

• Historically, installations have received less than 100% of the dollars needed to deliver installation management services = Shortfall

• Installations cannot provide full scope of services with less than full required dollars

• So what are we doing about it?

Systematically manage risk using CLS

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Pursuing ACA, EO, and

MEDCOM participation in



58 Services in CLS = 432 SSPs

SATs slated for April 07

OSD funds thru

Facilities Sustainment Model (FSM)

G-3 deferred

83 Religious Support

84 Public Affairs

1 Civilian Personnel Services 89 Inspector General Services 31-39 Facilities Maintenance (9 Services)

7 Military Personnel Manning 90 Protocol Services 42 Facilities Maintenance - Other

8 Military Personnel Services 91 Installation Management 43 Maintenance - Surfaced and Unsurfaced Areas9 Substance Abuse 92 EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) 49 Maintenance - Railroad

12 Sports, Recreation, and Libraries 93 Equal Opportunity 62 Minor Construction13 Business Operations 94 Internal Review 65 Restoration Programs14 Continuing Education Services 95 Installation Safety and Occupational Health17 Administrative Services 63 Real Property Disposal18 Information Assurance 10 Army Community Services19 Automation 11 Child and Youth 64 Conservation Programs21 Installation Security Prog Mg't Support 66 Compliance Programs23 Ammunition Supply Services 15 Communication Systems and System Support 67 Pollution Prevention Programs24 Retail Supply25 Central Issue Facility 16 Multimedia/Visual Information Processes 22 Anti-Terrorism Services26 Asset Management 76 Correctional Services27 Materiel Support Maintenance 40 Maintenance - Improved Grounds 77 Law Enforcement Services28 Transportation Services 41 Maintenance - Unimproved Grounds 78 Physical Security29 Food Services 44 Heating/Cooling Services30 Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services 45 Water Services51 Army Lodging Management 46 Waste Water Services52 UPH/SEBQ/BOQ Management 47 Electrical Services 300 Command and Control69 Program/Budget 48 Other Utility Services 301 Mobilization and Deployment Support70 Support Agreement/MOU/MOA Mg't 53 Facilities Engineering Services Management 302 Airfield Operations71 Management Accounting 54 Master Planning 304 Training Land Sustainment72 Installation TDA Management 55 Real Estate/Real Property Administration 305 Range Management73 Management Analysis 57 Custodial Services 306 Range Operations74 Contracting 58 Indoor Pest Management 307 Range Modernization79 Administrative & Civil Law 59 Outdoor Pest Management80 Criminal Law & Discipline 60 Refuse Removal 500 Patient Care81 Client Services 61 Snow, Ice and Sand Removal 501 Health Support for Readiness and Mobilization82 Claims 68 Fire and Emergency Response Services 502 Dental Support for Readiness and Mobility

503 Preventive Medicine Services50 Family Housing Management 504 Veterinary Medicine Services

Services included in CLS v3.0Services excluded from CLS v3.0

Audio Visual (1 Service)

Real Property Services (16 Services)


FACILITIES (15 Services)

G-3 (7 Services)

MEDCOM (5 Services)

SRM (14 Services)

Facility Demolition/Disposals (1 Service)

ENVIRONMENT (3 Services)


SERVICES - (60 services)BASOPS (40 Services)

Family Programs (2 Services)

Base Communications (1 Service)










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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Services Excluded From CLS 3.0 (37 Services)

Service Rationale1. Civilian Personnel Services Non IMA directed distribution14. Continuing Education Services Service is being reorganized, exempted from CLS21. Installation Security Program Mg't Support Service is being reorganized, exempted from CLS31. Facilities and Maintenance - Training and Ops SRM - OSD direction, Under review for SAT32. Facilities Maintenance - Maint. And Production SRM - OSD direction, Under review for SAT33. Facilities Maintenance - RDT&E SRM - OSD direction, Base Services Model used34. Facilities Maintenance - Supply SRM - OSD direction, Base Services Model used35. Facilities Maintenance - Administration SRM - OSD direction, Base Services Model used36. Facilities Maintenance - AFH AFHO - Primarily fixed cost37. Facilities Maintenance - UPH SRM - OSD direction, Base Services Model used38. Facilities Maintenance - Community SRM - OSD direction, Base Services Model used39. Facilities Maintenance - Other SRM - OSD direction, Base Services Model used42. Facilities Maintenance - Other SRM - OSD direction, Base Services Model used43. Maintenance - Surfaced and Unsurfaced Areas SRM - OSD direction, Base Services Model used49. Maintenance - Railroad SRM - OSD direction, Base Services Model used51. Army Lodging Management Service is in transition, exempted from CLS62. Minor Construction SRM - OSD Directed, Under review for SAT63. Real Property Disposal Done by specific project65. Restoration Programs Non IMA directed distribution71. Management Accounting Mission funded74. Contracting Non IMA directed distribution76. Correctional Services Fenced dollars ($2.68 Mil), executed at only 5 sites 89. Inspector General Services Mission delivery at this time90. Protocol Services Mostly Mission delivery at this time; no Garrison resources93. Equal Opportunity Mission delivery at this time300. Command and Control Non IMA directed distribution301. Mobilization and Deployment Support Non IMA directed distribution302. Airfield Operations Non IMA directed distribution304. Training Land Sustainment Non IMA directed distribution305. Range Management Non IMA directed distribution, Under review for SAT306. Range Operations Non IMA directed distribution, Under review for SAT307. Range Modernization Non IMA directed distribution, Under review for SAT500. Patient Care Non IMA directed distribution501. Health Support for Readiness and Mobilization Non IMA directed distribution502. Dental Support for Readiness and Mobility Non IMA directed distribution503. Preventive Medicine Services Non IMA directed distribution504. Veterinary Medicine Services Non IMA directed distribution

Services not included in CLS v3.0

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Installation Volunteer Management







Mobilization & Deployment Support

Community Information Services

Financial Readiness

Exceptional Family Member Program

Relocation Readiness



Action Plan

Army Family Team Building

Spouse Employment

Family Advocacy Program

Army Community ServicesArmy Community Services

CLS Development Process

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Change in Philosophy for CLS

• Original CLS philosophy

– “What We Do, We Do Well”

• Army funding has driven a change in CLS philosophy

– “Right Service Level at Right Cost”

• Leadership directed IMCOM to continue refining CLS to provide even greater accuracy and precision to SSP make-up and prioritization

• ASA (I&E) requested IMCOM develop options for funding SSPs to:

– Provide flexibility to continue to deliver important but lower priority SSPs

– Enable services to continue to be delivered, at an affordable level, by the garrison

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


CLS v3.0 Provides Flexibility

• Greater granularity in SSPs affordable for delivery on installations

– Separates low priority components within SSPs from high priority components

– Provides recommendation for divesting of low priority SSPs if needed

• Greater flexibility to fund SSPs at an appropriate level

– Fund at an affordable level acceptable for the customer

– Adjust SSP capability levels to meet customer need

Divest?What Should We Provide?

How Much Should We Provide?

Service Support Programs (Notional 1 to N Order)

CL1-Green Service

CL2-Amber Service

CL3-Red Service

Service # 52 - SSP D Army Standard Fair MarginalService # 10 - SSP J Army Standard Fair MarginalService # 27 - SSP F Army Standard Fair MarginalService # 25 - SSP B Army Standard Fair MarginalService # 8 - SSP A Army Standard Fair Marginal

Service # 54 - SSP C Army Standard Fair MarginalService # 15 - SSP E Army Standard Fair Marginal

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


– CL1-Green: Program is provided with sufficient resources to deliver full outputs as defined in dialog with the customer. No risk to customer operational requirements

– CL2-Amber: Program is provided with sufficient resources to deliver most outputs as defined in dialog with the customer. Low risk to customer operational requirements

– CL3-Red: Program is provided with sufficient resources to deliver many outputs as defined in dialog with the customer. Medium risk while meeting basic customer operational requirements

– CL4-Black: Program requires additional resources to meet basic customer operational requirements. Significant risk to customer operational requirements. Potential legal implications

Capability Level Descriptors

CL1-Green thru CL3-Red capability levelsmust result in mission success

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Funding Based On Tiered Performance

Notional Example


SSP Funding Funded Amount SSP Funding Funded Amount SSP Funding Funded AmountK Army Family Action Plan 3% $2,474,000 100% 90% 80% $1,979,200

J Army Family Team Building 4% $3,299,000 100% 90% 80% $2,639,200

HInstallation Volunteer Management

5% $4,123,000 100% 90% 80% $3,298,400

G Spouse Employment 7% $5,773,000 100% 90% $5,195,700 80%F Relocation Readiness 9% $7,422,000 100% 90% $6,679,800 80%

EExceptional Family Member Program

8% $6,597,000 100% 90% $5,937,300 80%

D Financial Readiness 16% $13,194,000 100% $13,194,000 90% 80%

CMobilization & Deployment Support

10% $8,246,000 100% $8,246,000 90% 80%

B Family Advocacy Program 16% $13,194,000 100% $13,194,000 90% 80%

ACommunity Information Services

22% $18,142,000 100% $18,142,000 90% 80%

Requirements at CL-1 $82,464,000 CL1 Total = $52,776,000 CL2 Total = $17,812,800 CL3 Total = $7,916,800

CLS Funded Amount $78,505,600Underfunding $0

CL1 - Green CL2 - Amber CL3 - RedRank SSP Name Cost % Requirements

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OPMG-RM Conference Update



• Right Service Level• Right Cost• Right Time

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Force Protection

• Antiterrorism (Service 22)

• Law Enforcement (Service 77)

• Physical Security (Service 78)

• Fire & Emergency Services (Service 68)

Four Services

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Antiterrorism, Svc 22

Rank SSP Name

G Conduct Antiterrorism Training

F Plan & Execute Realistic AT Exercises

E Plan, Program, Budget and Execute Resources in Support of AT Programs

D Develop Viable AT Plan

C Perform Continuous AT Risk Assessment

B Coordinate, Collect, Process, Analyze and Disseminate Terrorist Threat Information

A Execute Proactive, Relevant, and Viable AT Program Management Practices and Advise SMCs

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Antiterrorism, Svc 22

Includes the Following:

IMA AT Strategy contains the following components for this SSP for an entire list see TAB "AT Strat Plan Measure Crosswalk":3G: Primary Duty ATOs5C: Annual Review of AT Program6G: Requirements and Authorizations for Antiterrorism Officers (ATO)

Execute:2A: Force Protection Working Groups (FPWG).2B: Force Protection Executive Committees (FPEC).2C: Random Antiterrorism Measure (RAMs).2D: Comprehensive AT Plans.2F: Garrison FPCON action sets.2G: Installation Preparedness Measures.2H: Mutual Aid Agreements (MAAs), Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), Memorandum of Understanding (MOU’s), and Inter-service Support Agreements (ISSA)2I: AT Building Construction Standards.

The following are a listing of pertinent DoDI2000.16 standards:1. DoD AT Policy Chapter 1 (services will implement DoD policy)2. Development of AT Standards (services will comply with DoD policy)3. Assignment of AT Operational Responsibility 4. AT Coordination in Overseas Locations5. Comprehensive AT Development, Implementation, and Assessment 6. Antiterrorism Officers (ATOs) shall be assigned in writing at each installation or base, and deploying organization (e.g., battalion)11. Adjustment of Force Protection Conditions12. Force Protection Condition Measures Implementation 13. Force Protection Condition Measures14. Comprehensive AT program for those personnel and assets for which they have AT responsibilities.17. Terrorist Incident Response Measures 18. Terrorist Consequence Management Measures20. Comprehensive AT Review 28. Construction Considerations30 AT Guidance for Off-Installation Housing (OCONUS)

This SSP provides a safe and secure environment by incorporating proactive techniques and assets to detect, deter, defend from, defeat, and mitigate terrorist attacks against DoD personnel, families, contractors, facilities, installations, and critical infrastructure so that joint operational elements, inter-agency, and multi-national elements can complete their mission.

The SMC has overall responsibility for force protection. This SSP specifically addresses the GC's execution of the AT program.

This SSP provides for the development and sustainment of AT programs to include supervising, inspecting, exercising, reviewing, assessing, and reporting.

Includes administration, coordination, execution and oversight including:-- Quarterly execution of the FPWG-- Semi-Annual execution of the Force Protection Executive Committee-- Access control (DES)-- Administration of vulnerability assessment oversight-- ISR reporting (due 15 Apr)-- Annual program review/management control (annual assurance statement) (due 1 May)-- Annual Status Report and Action Plan (due 1 Sep)-- Incident response and consequence management

This SSP does not include HRP (High Risk Personnel) management. The O&O for HRP defines that as a mission responsibility.


Execute Proactive, Relevant, and Viable AT Program Management Practices and Advise SMCs



%SSP NameRank

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Antiterrorism, Svc 22

Includes the following:

1A: Threat and Local Observation Notice (TALON) Reporting1B: Threat Working Groups (TWG)1E: Annual Threat Assessments (TA) continuously updated1I: ATO SIPRNET Access

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following complement of personnel for a typical installation: 132 Analyst (QSEC)

7. Application of DoD Terrorist Threat Analysis Methodology 8. Threat Information Collection and Analysis 9. Threat Information Flow 10. Potential Threat of Terrorist Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction15. Terrorism Threat Assessment

This SSP provides the Garrison Commander timely and pertinent terrorist threat information and intelligence for dissemination to Installation tenants and individuals. Identifies the most likely threats and threat tactics against personnel, facilities and operations on the installation.

Garrison Commanders have the unique capability to coordinate criminal intelligence and terrorist threat information with state, federal, local agencies, CID, US Intelligence Agencies and Host Nation's Security and Intelligence Services.


Coordinate, Collect, Process, Analyze, and Disseminate Terrorist Threat Information



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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Antiterrorism, Svc 22

Includes the Following::

1E: Threat Assessments (TA)1F: Criticality Assessments (CA)1G: Vulnerability Assessments (VA)1H: Risk Assessments (RA)4D: Core Vulnerability Assessment Management Program (CVAMP)4E: Technologies, Equipment, and Process4F: Mitigated Vulnerabilities or Assume Risk5D: Joint Service Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (JSIVA) / Higher Headquarters Assessment (HHA)6F: IMA Assessments

10. Potential Threat of Terrorist Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction11. Adjustment of Force Protection Conditions12. Force Protection Condition Measures Implementation 13. Force Protection Condition Measures16. AT Physical Security Measures26. Vulnerability Assessments of Installations 28. Construction Considerations 29. Facility and Site Evaluation and/or Selection Criteria

This SSP provides the ability to conduct required risk management to mitigate vulnerabilities or accept risk. It allows Garrisons the ability to make decisions and apply resources to protect units, facilities, and programs including: DoD personnel, family members, civilians, contractors, etc. This includes WMD, CBRNE, and Defense Critical Infrastructure Program (DCIP).

Risk Management includes threat assessments, criticality assessments, vulnerability assessments, and risk assessments.


Perform Continuous Antiterrorism Risk Management



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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Antiterrorism, Svc 22

Includes the Following:

2A: Force Protection Working Groups (FPWG).2B: Force Protection Executive Committees (FPEC).2C: Random Antiterrorism Measure (RAMs).2D: Comprehensive AT Plans.2F: Garrison FPCON action sets.2G: Installation Preparedness Measures.2H: Mutual Aid Agreements (MAAs), Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), Memorandum of Understanding (MOU’s), and Inter-service Support Agreements (ISSA)2I: AT Building Construction Standards.

1. DoD AT Policy Chapter 1 (services will implement DoD policy)2. Development of AT Standards (services will comply with DoD policy)3. Assignment of AT Operational Responsibility 4. AT Coordination in Overseas Locations11. Adjustment of Force Protection Conditions12. Force Protection Condition Measures Implementation 13. Force Protection Condition Measures17. Terrorist Incident Response Measures 18. Terrorist Consequence Management Measures30. AT Guidance for Off-Installation Housing (OCONUS)

The SSP provides for the development of proactive, relevant, and viable AT plan in conjunction with the Force Protection Working Group (FPWG) which includes all the tenants.

Develop a comprehensive AT Plan (JAT Guide template strongly recommended) that covers at a minimum: Threat Assessment, Criticality Assessment, Vulnerability Assessment, Risk Assessment, Risk mitigation measures (including RAM), Physical Security measures, Off-installation DoD facilities AT measures (housing and activities), Construction and building considerations, Logistics contracting measures, Critical asset security, Incident Response, Consequence Management (including CBRNE and WMD mitigation planning), Site specific FPCON measures.

0.11Develop Viable Antiterrorism Plan



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Antiterrorism, Svc 22

Includes the Following:

4A: AT Program Analysis.4B: Combating Terrorism Readiness Initiative Fund (CbT RIF).6D: Resources guidance and priorities

14. Commanders shall maintain a comprehensive AT program for those personnel and assets for which they have AT responsibilities.28. Construction Considerations 29. Facility and Site Evaluation and/or Selection Criteria

This SSP optimizes the planning, programming, budgeting and execution of AT resources.

Documents funding requirements that support AT programs; prioritizes them based on the threat, documented vulnerabilities, regulatory requirements, and/or command directives; and executes resources efficiently and effectively IAW applicable regulations and directives. The SMC will approve the prioritization of requirements.

PPBE includes: Schedule 75Data callsManpower surveys1391Work OrdersContractsCbT RIFBriefing GCRM coordinationCost estimatesObligation ratesExecution dataConstruction oversight


Plan, Program, Budget and Execute Resources in Support of Antiterrorism Programs



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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Antiterrorism, Svc 22

Includes the Following:

3F: Comprehensive Training Exercises, including:-- AT/LE/PS-- WMD-- CBRNE-- Mass-casualty

6E: IMA Installation Force Protection Exercises (IFPEX)

This includes staff training.

19. Training and Exercises

This SSP ensures Garrisons develop and execute comprehensive training exercises

that include and test all facets of AT Plan: physical security measures, terrorist incident response measures, terrorist consequence management measures, CBRNE, WMD, and FPCON (up to and including Delta) capabilities measures.

Realistic AT exercises require significant local, state, and interagency or Host Nation planning, coordination, and review.

Exercises can significantly impact normal operations and significant resources are required for successful execution of exercises (When adequate resources are provided Delta will be exercised).


Plan and Execute Realistic AT Exercises



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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Antiterrorism, Svc 22

Includes the Following:

3B: Antiterrorism Awareness (Level I)3C: Antiterrorism Officer Training (Level II) for Program Manager's course in support of garrison3E: Commanders AT Training (Level III)7D: Commanders AT Training (Level IV)National Incident Management System (NIMS) and National Response Plan System, including:-- Incident Command System (ICS)

21. General Requirements for AT Training 22. Level I AT Awareness Training 23. AOR-Specific Training Requirements for all DoD Personnel 24. Level II Antiterrorism Officer (ATO) Training

Includes staff AT training.

This SSP establishes and sustains policies and procedures to achieve the goal of 100% of DoD personnel, civilian employees, appropriate contractors, and family members obtaining the appropriate AT awareness or training and documenting annual completion.

The goal of this SSP is to take the AT program beyond the minimum requirements.

All required personnel will be made aware of the need to maintain vigilance for possible terrorist actions and employ AT tactics, techniques, and procedures. Additionally, this may include but is not limited to CBRNE and incident management type training.

This SSP includes garrison staff training to build the requisite competencies to execute the AT Plan.

Effective training depends on the interface between garrison resources and those resources of outside agencies.

0.06Conduct Antiterrorism Training



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Antiterrorism, Svc 22

Rank SSP



G Conduct Antiterrorism Training CL-2

F Plan and Execute Realistic AT Exercises CL-2

EPlan, Program, Budget and Execute Resources in Support of Antiterrorism Programs CL-2

D Develop Viable Antiterrorism Plan CL-2

C Perform Continuous Antiterrorism Risk Management CL-2

BCoordinate, Collect, Process, Analyze, and Disseminate Terrorist Threat Information CL-1

AExecute Proactive, Relevant, and Viable AT Program Management Practices and Advise SMCs CL-1

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Fire & Emergency Response Services, Svc 68

Rank SSP Name J Provide Specialized Services and Training to Support

the Installation H Provide Fire Prevention Services G Conduct Rescue Operations F Provide Emergency Response Services for Wild land

Fires, as applicable, on Army Installations Only E Provide Emergency Response Services for HAZMAT

and CBRNE Incidents D Provide Emergency Response Services for Aircraft

Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF), as applicable C Provide Emergency Response Services for Structure

Fires B Provide Emergency Dispatch Services A Manage and Direct Fire & Emergency Services Programs

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

Rank SSP Name

H Provide Specialized Law Enforcement Services

G Provide Special Reaction Capability

F Provide Law Enforcement Reporting Services

E Deter and Prevent Crime by LE Patrolling

D Conduct Law Enforcement Investigations

C Provide Law Enforcement Response

B Provide Law Enforcement Emergency Dispatch Services

A Manage and Direct Law Enforcement Operations

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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following:

- Missions identified regulations & other guidance for components outlined in the AR 190 series, and applicable CFRs - Advice and Guidance - Desk Operations- Plans and Operations- Pre/post trial confinement - Incident Command System (ICS)- Required direction/participation on regulatory boards (e.g., SAR, FAC, CRC, FPWG, AFDCB etc.)- Liaison with external LE agencies- Support to command information programs- Oversight Management of detention cells, working dogs coordination - Participate in specialized training as required

This SSP provides for the management and direction of core LE missions to maintain safe and secure installations.


Manage and Direct Law Enforcement Operations



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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following OR having oversight over the following:

- LE dispatch/E911 services- Radio communications (transitioning to interoperability w/ applicable support, e.g., Fire, Emergency Medical Services [EMS], and local LE agencies) - Weather monitoring - Emergency notifications - Alarm detection and monitoring (personnel)- LE journal

This SSP provides for the resourcing and management of LE dispatch/E911 services.

Note: In the future we anticipate consolidated LE, Fire, and Emergency Services dispatch.


Provide Law Enforcement Emergency Dispatch Services



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Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200734 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following:

- Incident response (e.g., misdemeanors, felonies, accidents, etc)- Alarm response- Traffic accident response- Conservation enforcement (wildlife and animal control)

This SSP provides LE response to emergency situations when called.

0.25Provide Law Enforcement Response



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OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following:- Conduct investigations (criminal and traffic)- Evidence collection and custody- Court and juvenile liaison- Return to military control (AWOL/deserters apprehension)- Personal security- Lost and found property- Conduct surveillance- Criminal information

This SSP provides for the ability to conduct specialized LE investigations by conducting interviews, searches, evidence collection and analysis to support the legal process. (Certain investigations are referred to external organizations in accordance with regulations.)

0.15Conduct Law Enforcement Investigations



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Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200736 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following:

- Targeted patrolling of populated areas- Traffic enforcement operations- Random anti-terrorism measures program (RAMP)- Note: This SSP will result in improved response time

This SSP provides for the ability to deter and detect crime and responds to observed activity on the installation by LE presence operations.


Deter and Prevent Crime by Law Enforcement Patrolling



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Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200737 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following:

- LE administration (i.e., SIRs and COPS program administration)- Sexual Assault reporting requirements- Records management- Other regulatory requirements

This SSP provides LE related reporting and analysis, information, and products for installation customers to meet mission and regulatory requirements.


Provide Law Enforcement Reporting Services



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200738 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following:

- Specialized response to hostage and barricaded subject incidents- MOA with local LE- Trained and certified team- When the situation requires capability exceeding that of routine LE

This SSP provides a special reaction team (SRT) to respond to specific high-risk situations (may be satisfied by Memoranda of Agreement [MOA] with local LE)


Provide Special ReactionCapability



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200739 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

Includes but is not limited to the following:

- Special LE programs (DARE, Drug Suppression Teams [DST])- Crime prevention program and gang awareness-E vent coordination- Community service finger-printing- Impound operation

This SSP provides specialized LE services and training to installation customers (e.g., crime prevention awareness) to deter crime and promote a safe and secure installation.


Provide Specialized Law Enforcement Services



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200740 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Law Enforcement, Svc 77

Rank SSP



H Provide Specialized LE Services CL-2

G Provide Special Reaction Capability CL-2

F Provide LE Reporting ServicesCL-2

E Deter and Prevent Crime by LE PatrollingCL-2

D Conduct LE InvestigationsCL-2

C Provide Law Enforcement Response


B Provide LE Emergency Dispatch ServicesCL-1

A Manage and Direct Law Enforcement (LE) Operations CL-1

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200741 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Physical Security, Svc 78

Rank SSP Name

G PS Training/Service to Tenants

F Provide and Maintain Enhanced PS Systems as Required to Facilities Other than

AA&E and SCIFs

E Provide Pass and Registration

D Maintain Alarm Systems for AA&E and SCIFs

C Conduct Inspection of Commercial and Privately Owned Vehicles (POVs)

B Execute Installation Access Control Point (IACP) Operations

A Manage and Direct PS Program

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200742 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Physical Security, Svc 78

This SSP includes, but is not limited to the following:

- Conduct Installation PS Inspections and Surveys in accordance with governing regulations- Coordinate and conduct security councils- Participate in master planning- Review 1391s- Contracting Officer Representative (COTR)- PS Planning and Coordination- Advise Commanders- Oversight Management- Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Administration Management

This SSP provides for the management and direction of core PS missions to maintain safe and secure installations.


Manage and Direct Physical Security (PS) Program



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200743 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Physical Security, Svc 78

This SSP includes, but is not limited to the following:

- Verify identity of 100% of entering personnel - Assess (does not mean inspect) 100% of entering vehicles- Maintain ACP equipment- Verify access authorization- Point of determination for visitor access (allow access, detain, inspect, or deny access)

This SSP provides for verifying 100% of personnel entering the installation and assessing 100% of all vehicles. This also includes the maintenance of access control point PS equipment.


Execute Installation Access Control Point (IACP) Operations



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200744 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Physical Security, Svc 78

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following:

- Inspect all POVs assessed for cause (cause determined in SSP B)- POV Random Antiterrorism Measures Program (RAMP) are required- All commercial vehicles will use a single gate (exceptions may be requested from HQ IMCOM)- Inspect truck cargo entering the installation

-Note: There is no DA-directed policy to inspect non-DoD registered vehicles, except for RAMP

This SSP provides for inspecting 100% of commercial vehicles and a random POV inspection capability, for threats to the installation in compliance with DoD policy.


Conduct Inspections of Commercial and Privately Owned Vehicles (POV)



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200745 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Physical Security, Svc 78

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following:

- Maintain required IDS alarm systems- Maintain closed circuit televisions (CCTV) and sensors- Defined as installation real property

This SSP provides for maintaining required intrusion detection alarm systems for arms, ammunition, explosive storage areas, sensitive compartmented information facilities, and nuclear and chemical facilities.


Maintain Alarm Systems for Arms, Ammunition & Explosives (AA&E) and Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF)



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200746 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Physical Security, Svc 78

This SSP includes but is not limited to the following:

- Visitor passes- Weapons registration- Vehicle registration

* Expectation is that Pass and Registration will be done at Visitor Control Center (VCC)

This SSP provides for a central registration point for issuance of installation access control passes and registration for vehicles and weapons per regulations (these particular access control activities are not provided for by SSP B).

0.02Provide Pass and Registration



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200747 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Physical Security, Svc 78

This SSP includes upgrading and maintaining the following:

- Installation access control fencing (maintaining existing fencing is a SRM requirements, new fencing is provided),- Barriers and bollards (maintenance is a SRM function),- Other electronic systems according to regulation,- Fragmentation film,- Building wire mesh screening, and- Door core lock replacement and keys for designated facilities

This SSP provides and maintains PS infrastructure and electronic equipment (less the intrusion detection systems included in SSP D), as required by risk assessment (DA Pam 190-51), to protect personnel in high occupancy and high risk targets, or as required by regulation.


Provide and Maintain Enhanced PS Systems as Required to Facilities Other than AA&E and SCIFs



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200748 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Physical Security, Svc 78

This SSP includes, but is not limited to the Following:

- Deployment/Redeployment PS Assistance- Tenant Command Inspection PS programs- Unit Armroer PS Training- Unit PS Mission Training- PS Staff Assistance Visits

Note: This is an expectation of our Senior Mission Commander (SMC) which we currently are fulfilling. Continued delivery of the service requires resourcing.

This SSP provides additional PS services and training to commanders and tenant activities as requested.

0.01PS Training/Service to Tenants



%SSP NameRank

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200749 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


Physical Security, Svc 78

Rank SSP



G PS Training/Service to Tenants CL-2

FProvide and Maintain Enhanced PS Systems as Required to Facilities Other than AA&E and SCIFS


E Provide Pass and Registration CL-2

DMaintain Alarm Systems for Arms, Ammunition & Explosives (AA&E) and Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF)


CConduct Inspections of Commercial and Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) CL-2

B Execute Installation Access Control Point (ACP) OperationsCL-1

A Manage and Direct Physical Security (PS) Program CL-1

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200750 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update


HQ IMCOM Functional POCs

• Svc 22 = Mr. Clay Davis, [emailprotected]; (703) 602-3374 (DSN 332)

• Svc 68 = Mr. Dale Means, [emailprotected]; (703) 602-3390 (DSN 332)

• Svc 77 = Mr. John Nimitz, [emailprotected]; (703) 602-4222 (DSN 332)

• Svc 78 = Mr. Rich Carter, [emailprotected]; (703) 602-1875 (DSN 332)

Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/[emailprotected] 061500RMAY200751 OF 7

OPMG-RM Conference Update



“Sustain, Support and Defend”


Clay Davis/IMOP-E/(703) 602-3374/(DSN 332)/ UNCLASSIFIED 061500RMAY2007 1 OF 441 OF 7 UNCLASSIFIED Installations as Flagships Installations - [PPT Powerpoint] (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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